03-06-2019 10:15
With regards to the wide public outreach following the publication for public consultation of a draft National Children Strategy 2019 – 2030 and its consequent withdrawal by the Government, as well as the misinterpretations for a link between the document and the implementation of the EEA Financial mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (EEA FM and NFM) in Bulgaria, in our capacity of a National Focal Point we would like to provide the following information and clarifications:
- The EEA FM and NFM represent the contribution of Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein to social and economic cohesion in Europe. The total amount for the current period is 2.8 billion euro made available in 15 beneficiary countries. All three countries are part of the European Economic Area (EEA) since 1994;
- The Republic of Bulgaria is a beneficiary of the EEA FM and NFM since 2007. In the framework of three programming periods (2004 – 2009, 2009 – 2014 and 2014 – 2021) our country got access to a financial support amounting to a total of 378,2 mln. EUR;
- Financial support was provided in important areas such as public healthcare, environment, energy and renewable energy sources, innovations, culture, children and youth at risk, justice and home affairs, etc. Flagship projects have been implemented such as the reconstruction of the ancient Roman stadium in Plovdiv, building of a Museum of Modern Art, supply of high technology equipment for the neonatology departments of all municipal hospitals in the country, reconstruction of 10 detention facilities in line with the international standards, establishment of 4 Youth Centers, reconstruction of 68 kinder gardens and many more;
- There is no link between the EEA FM and NFM and the elaboration of a National Strategy on Children;
- Under the section “Documents” on our web site you can find useful brochures with a lot of photos and information on the results achieved so far and the areas of future cooperation.