Results of a sociological survey on "Public attitudes towards anti-Semitism and hate speech in Bulgaria": 88% of Jews feel safe in Bulgaria

05-04-2022 10:14

At a press conference in BTA on 05.04.2022, the project "Strategic cooperation between Bulgaria and Norway in support of Bulgaria's international commitments to combating anti-Semitism and preserving Jewish heritage" was presented, financed by the  Fund for Bilateral Relationsof the FM of the EEA and NFM, as well as results of a national representative sociological survey with topic "Public attitudes towards anti-Semitism and hate speech in Bulgaria".

Velislava Petrova, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria and head of project made a video address where she outlined the framework of the project - in general, the work on the project represents an opportunity to raise awareness in society, regarding the efforts of the Bulgarian state to prevent and fight against all forms of hate speech, discrimination and intolerance.

Tanya Mihailova, director of Diplomatic Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs, presented her colleagues and partners on the project. They highlighted the most important activities of the project - sociological survey, development of a National Action Plan to Combat Anti-Semitism of the Republic of Bulgaria, various publications and events, as well as the creation of an integrated digital platform that will exist even after the end of the project.

The results of the conducted sociological survey were presented by Boryana Dimitrova, President of "Alfa Research" EOOD. They represent a starting point and important basis for the upcoming work on the National Action Plan for Combating Anti-Semitism of Bulgaria.

Such a study is the first of its kind. It surveyed the general public between ages of 18 and 55 (among 1,000 respondents), as well as representatives of the Jewish community in Bulgaria (100 interviews). It was also carried out with the help of the Organization of Jews in Bulgaria "Shalom".

88 percent of Jews felt safe in their daily lives - half of them completely, the other half to some extent. According to Dimitrova, it is necessary to analyze what this fact is due to. Only 11% said they avoided visiting Jewish institutions and organizations, as well as events related to the Jewish community, out of concern for their safety.

It can be concluded that there is no radicalizing social distance, neither ideological basis for rejection or aggression towards the Jewish community. According to national representative survey, Jews are well integrated into society. The survey among Jews also indicates that the community is well integrated - 91% of respondents.

Main results and conclusions, as well as a presentation of the conducted research, can be viewed on the site of the Alpha Research agency.

The main goals of the project: strengthening the institutional capacity and expertise of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other competent institutions, increasing the interest and knowledge of Bulgarian citizens, increasing public awareness of Jewish culture, strengthening academic research on the Holocaust, as well as developing sustainable cooperation and exchange of experience between Bulgaria and Norway.

The topics of the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism should be included and more widely advocated in the educational system to preserve historical memory, as well as to reduce the language of hate.