14-05-2024 11:43
The energy efficiency project of the Educational centre for extracurricular activities and culture in Blagoevgrad has successfully been completed. It was supported by funds from the Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Security Programme through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021. The total budget of the project was just over BGN 1.5 million, of which BGN 1.250 million was a grant. The project was implemented in partnership with Norwegian company “Norsk Energy”.
With the implementation of the initiative, the Centre will be eligible for a nearly zero-energy building under the energy audit. Energy saving measures carried out include the replacement of windows, thermal insulation of the internal walls, floor, ceiling and roof, new LED lighting, construction of a heating and cooling system and a photovoltaic power plant for own needs, etc. Energy consumption will also be monitored. The completion of the project will reduce carbon dioxide emissions and save energy consumption.
The Educational centre is one of the famous public buildings in the city and its renovation increases interest in energy efficiency, according to the Beneficiaries.