11-07-2022 14:55
On 14 June 2022 in the city of Oslo a meeting of the Cooperation Committee under the Renewable Energy, Efficiency and Energy Security Programme financed by the EEA FM was held.
The meeting took place in the premises of NVE - the partnerfrom the Kingdom of Norway, in a hybrid format, with an online presence of Orkustofnun - the partner from Iceland. Participation as observers took representatives of the Embassy of the Royal Norwegian Embassy for Bulgaria, the Office of the Financial Mechanism and the National Focal Point.
The progress made on the Programme and on the implementation of projects was presented, as well as the forthcoming bilateral initiatives. Current problems and challenges were discussed, including the impact of rising materials and labour prices regarding the implementation of the projects.
During the visit to the Kingdom of Norway, the Programme Operator team visited sites related to exploiting the potential of geothermal heating and cooling in buildings, as well as a passive building, with the aim of exchanging experience and good practices..