22-04-2024 11:39
In Stara Zagora and Dobrich, the final press conferences were held to finalize two projects under the Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security Programme, whose Pprogramme Operator is the Ministry of Energy. The Programme is implemented with the support of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021 under the Memorandum signed between Bulgaria and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
The team of the Stara Zagora metallic manufacturing company Metalik AD successfully completed its project under the REEEES Programme for energy efficiency under a small grant scheme with a grant of nearly BGN 390,000.0 (58% of its total value). A new and automated energy monitoring system were purchased and deployed with the funds. As a result of the renovation, the electricity used in the industrial process has decreased thrice. This will lead to a significant decrease in production costs and an increase in production capacity of around six times, from 2 800 t of metal structures per year to around 12 600t in the same period. Consistent with the objectives of the Programme of the Financial Mechanism, there will also be a sustained reduction in carbon emissions. Existing jobs have been maintained, new jobs have been created with much better working conditions.
“G.S. Rakovski” sports school with a dormitory and accommodation (in Dobrich) has applied for grants under the priority axis “Enhanced energy efficiency in buildings, industry and municipalities” of the “Energy efficiency in buildings” procedure. The total cost of the project is over BGN 3.2 million, of which the Programme grant exceeds BGN 2.2 million. The aim is to improve the energy performance of the building and its transformation to near zero energy consumption. The project was implemented in partnership with a specialized firm in Oslo. An energy survey was carried out and the investment project thermally insulated the exterior walls and roof, secured in the event of a fire and replaced the illustration with a more efficient one. Renewable heat and heating facilities have also been built. The pipeline and heaters have been completely replaced, which significantly reduces energy losses in the premises. New air-to-water heat pump units of electricity with an efficiency of 350% are installed. Heat management and monitoring systems are also in place with automatic control and computer monitoring of indicators. Overall, the school premises will reduce their heat losses and reduce heating and cooling costs. With the change, the building meets the “A” class energy consumption requirements, with no less than 55% of its total (delivered) RES energy consumption. In consequence of the energy savings, more than 76% of energy for heating alone will come from renewable sources and will save more than 1 812 t CO2.