Ministry of Environment and Water announce call for Predefined Project №3 Implementation of innovative measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change in municipalities in Bulgaria

    On 02.04.2020 г,  The Programme operator of the  Environment Protection and Climate Change Programme of EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 announced the procedure for  Pre-defined project №3 Implementation of innovative measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change in municipalities in Bulgaria

    The project aims to improve the capacity of local authorities to plan, monitor and implement specific mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change. The proposed project aims to launch a process for pilot implementation of some aspects of the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change. The project will support municipal authorities in 8 municipalities to evaluate their strategic plans and programmes and the measures implemented so far to mitigate and adapt to climate change, while identifying gaps and potential risks.

    The project will be implemented by the National Trust EcoFund

    The total budget of the procedure is EUR 2,800,000

    The deadline for submission of the project proposal is 11th June 2020 by 17:00 p.m., via the EUMIS 2020

    The application guidelines and the rest Annexes under the procedure (in Bulgarian and in English)