Experts from 6 Bulgarian municipalities participated in work visit to Norway under the BGENVIRONMENT-4.004-0010 ‘Black Sea E-mobility’ project

06-07-2023 16:12

Within the framework of the project BGENVIRONMENT-4.004-0010 ‘Black Sea E-mobility’ financed under the Environment Protection and Climate Change Programme of the EEA FM 2014-2021, organized a work visit to Halden city, where the main headquarter of the Norwegian project partner – Smart Innovation Norway AS, is located. The visit took place in the period between 28.06.2023- 02.07.2023 and aimed to familiarize with good practice from Norway and to increase the knowledge of the municipal employees of the Bulgarian municipalities under the project – Kavarna, Byala, Dulgopol, Dolnik Chiflik, Nessebar and Pimorsko to develop and apply innovative measures for local climate adaptation.

The work programme of the visit included theoretic presentation of the measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation with emphasis on the transport sector, sharing the Norwegian experience in policy development and e-mobility initiatives, presentation of e-mobility projects, implemented by Smart Innovation Norway, and of accomplished e-mobility initiatives in the Norwegian transport and marine sectors.

With a view to becoming familiar with already established environmental and innovative practices and the achieved benefits and results of the implemented measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation in the field of transport at the local level, including from the use of electric cars, the Bulgarian experts visited the municipalities of Halden and Fredrikstad. There, they were presented with the Smart City Halden electromobility initiative as well as a passenger terminal in Fredrikstad for electric passenger ferry travel.