18-08-2023 17:26
In the end of July 2023 Municipality of Ruse, beneficiary under the № BGENVIRONMENT-3-002-0005-C02 ,, Measures to improve the waste management within the municipalities of Ruse, Tutrakan, Slivo Pole and Vetovo", financed under the “Environment Protection and Climate Change” Programme under the EEA FM2014-2021, launched mobile centers for separate households waste collection .
All generated waste – paper, plastic, glass, metals including electric equipment, batteries, household hazardous waste and expired medicines will be able to be collected in the mobile centers. A campaign will also be held in each of the mobile centers with the aim to encourage the separate waste collection among children and adults, as every participating citizen who has handed in more than 1 kg paper, plastic, glass and metals, will have the chance to win thematic advertising materials.
The working hours of the mobile centres on the territory of Ruse municipality are from Monday to Friday from 15:00 h. to 17:30 h. and are located at the following locations: "Zdravets- Sever", "Rodopi" street, between "Babuna Planina" and "Rui Planina" blocks; "Yalta" district, 13 "Shtip" Street. In the coming weeks, the phased launching of other 3 mobile centres located in the "Rodina", "Druzhba" and "CYUR" districts is expected.
Karnobat Municipality, partner in the project "One Stop Shop for Zero Waste - Local communities support circular economy " under the "Environment Protection and Climate Change" Programme of the of the EEA FM 2014-2021 also started the operation of its mobile centres for separate collection of household waste.
All types of waste can be delivered to the centres, including paper, plastic, glass, metals, electrical and electronic equipment, household hazardous waste, batteries and accumulators, expired medicines, compressed gas bottles, toner cartridges, fluorescent lamps and textiles. Each mobile waste centre is equipped with the appropriate containers and racks for their temporary storage, as well as with stickers showing where each type of waste should be placed. A special contact number is also provided in cases where electrical and electronic equipment, household hazardous waste, batteries and accumulators, expired medicines, bottles with compressed gases, toner cartridges, fluorescent lamps, which require specific methods for storage, are handed in.
The mobile centre is located in the "Sever" Industrial Zone, next to the entrance to the Public Works, Utilities and Repairs Municipal Enterprice, near the Karnobat Bus Station. It is open every working day, from 7:00 am to 4:30 pm.
As part of the project activities, a campaign in each of the mobile centers is planned with the aim of encouraging the separate collection of waste among children and adults, as well as the introduction and the operation of effective and adapted to the local specifics schemes for separate waste collection and utilization of waste on a municipal level.