Blagoevgrad Municipality held a training for municipal employees on effective planning and local policies implementation

23-06-2023 17:30

In the period 20th – 22nd July 2023 Blagoevgrad Municipality, beneficiary under the BGENVIRONMENT-4.003-0017-C01 ‘Implementation of measures for successful adaptation to climate change’ project financed under the Environment Protection and Climate Change Programme of the EEA FM 2014-2021, conducted a training  on effective planning and implementation of local climate policies   among 29 municipal employees from the municipalities of Blagoevgrad, Simitli, Kocherinovo and Boboshevo, which were engaged in the preparation of municipal plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change .

Experts from various administration departments as well as speakers from Bulgaria and Norway with solid experience and expertise in the field of planning and local policy implementation regarding the climate participated at a 3-day forum.

The key aspect of the training was the practical sessions for improving the competence and expertise of the municipality employees in identifying specific measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change and their integration in the local normative and strategic documents. An analysis of the municipalities’ vulnerability to climate change and the capacity for adaptation, identification and planning of measures and development of innovative solutions to address climate challenges was also carried out. One of the significant outcomes of the training was the achievement of a common understanding of the need to plan and undertake actual and result- oriented actions to reduce the climate vulnerability of the municipalities, for the contribution of local policies to the achievement of global climate and climate neutrality goals.

The thematic sessions dedicated to the good practices, the methodology for developing climate policies both in Bulgaria and Norway, as well as the presentation of tools for effective planning and monitoring of climate policies in Norway and specific examples of activities and measures, implemented by Norwegian municipalities, were particularly useful for the municipal officials.

Within the framework of the programme the United Nations sustainable development goals by 2030 as well as the European and national legislation in field of climate were also discussed.