Municipal experts took part in training related to the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures

26-06-2023 10:09

A training for improving the competence of the municipal employees under the BGENVIRONMENT-4.003-0013 “Partnership for Adaptation to Climate Changes” Project, financed under the Environment Protection and Climate Change Programme of the EEA FM 2014-2021, was held on 7th and 8th June in Smolyan.

The event was held in response to the needs of municipalities to increase the capacity of employees regarding the implementation of measures for the production of electricity and thermal energy from renewable sources, adaptation to climate change and environmental protection. 

During the training representatives from the foreign partner – the University of Science and Technology in Trondheim shared the experience of Municipality of Trondheim in conducting innovative projects in the field of energy efficiency and adaptation to climate changes. A lecturer from the Faculty of Economics of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” was also invited to present a wide range of topics, including monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the implementation of strategic plans, programs and projects for mitigation or adaptation to climate change, international and European environment and climate policies, decarbonization, data and information processing for analysis and development of models for future changes in climate and water resources, energy communities and the challenges to their creation and management, etc.

In order to familiarize themselves with additional innovative practices and exchange experience, the Bulgarian experts participated in one of the panels of a training session on the +Cityxchange project under the Horizon 2020 Program, implemented by the Municipality of Smolyan, within which a concrete example of the modernization of a school and the area around it and its transformation into an energy-positive complex was demonstrated, showing a real example of the use of innovative solutions and technologies for adaptation to climate change.