Training on the topic "Implementation of two action plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the consequences of climate change at local level in the municipalities of Pernik and Bobov Dol" was conducted

02-11-2023 15:55

Municipality of Pernik, beneficiary under the BGENVIRONMENT-4.004-0004-C01 "GoGreenLocal - ACTIVE POLICIES AT THE LOCAL LEVEL FOR ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION OF CLIMATE CHANGES" project, financed under the "Environment protection and climate change" Programme of the FM of the EEA 2014-2021, held together with the project partners - Bobov Dol Municipality and Regioplan EOOD, a 2-day training dedicated to the various practices and measures for adaptation and mitigation to climate change.

The focus of the training was aimed at increasing the competence of local authorities in the implementation of measures to combat the reduction of greenhouse gases and climate change.

The participants became thoroughly acquainted with the areas and directions envisaged in the two action plans for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to the consequences of climate change at the local level in the Municipalities of Pernik and Bobov Dol, developed within the framework of the project activities implemented by Regioplan Ltd.