A teachers’ training was held under the BGENVIRONMENT-3.001-0004-C01 “Zero waste school” project

25-07-2023 17:19

On 10th July 2023 in Dupnitsa a specialized teachers’ training was held, as part of the project activities of project BGENVIRONMENT-3.001-0004-C01 “Zero waste school”, financed under the “Environment Protection and Climate Change” Programme of the EEA FM 2014-2021.

The lecturers of the training were experts of one of the project partners – “Green industry, innovations and technological transfer” Foundation, representatives and teachers of the beneficiary - Secondary Language School “St. Paisii Hilendarski” – Dupnitsa and partners PG “Hristo Botev” – in Dupnitsa , Primary School “Hristo Botev”- in village of Kraynitsi and the additional participants from Kindergarten “Kalina”- in Duptnitsa, took partin the training. 

The main topics of discussion were related to the impact of the waste on the environment and the initiatives, which can be undertaken to reduce it; moreover, topics such as the circular economy and the resource efficiency were also subject of discussion.

Other aspect of the event, which was highlighted by the trainers, was recycling of household waste as well as composting.