19-04-2024 17:33
In the period April 11-12, the Ministry of Environment and Water, Project Promoter under project No. BGENVIRONMENT-1.001-0001 "Valuation and implementation of ecosystems services" (VAIES), financed under the Environment Protection and Climate Change Programme of the FM of the EEA 2014-2021 held a training seminar on the new methodological framework for valuing ecosystem services and accounting for natural capital.
The participants in the event - representatives of the national, regional and local authorities - were thoroughly acquainted with the methods for valuing ecosystem services and applied the valuation algorithm developed by the project to solve a given practical case. The context and steps for integrating natural capital into the decision-making processes for planning the development of tourism in Bulgaria were also presented.
At the end of the training, a closing event was held, within which the project manager informed the participants about the achieved main and specific project objectives, as well as about the concrete results achieved from the implementation of the project.