Sofia municipality opened the renovated Amphitheater in park "Vazrazhdane" under the BGENVIRONMENT-4.001-0001-C04 Predefined project № 3

02-11-2023 17:08


Sofia Municipality, project partner BGENVIRONMENT-4.001-0001-C04 Redefined project No. 3 "Implementation of innovative measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in municipalities in Bulgaria", financed under the Program "Environmental Protection and Climate Change" of the FM of the EEA 2014-2021, opened together with the beneficiary of the project - the National Trust Ecofund (NDEF), the renovated "Amphitheater" in the "Vazrazhdane" park in the city of Sofia.

The event for the opening of the site was attended by the current mayor of Sofia municipality - Ms. Yordanka Fandakova, the mayor of Vazrazhdane region - Ms. Savina Savova, as well as other interested parties.

The idea of ​​this renovated site is to serve young and old, parents and students who are looking for a place to relax and play, but also a place for events and outdoor lessons.

The Mayor of Sofia - Mrs. Fandakova expressed her gratitude to everyone who supported the initiative for a "greener" Sofia, as well as more utilized city areas.

The fight against climate problems and global warming, which we saw this summer as well, require measures to existing spaces. This was also the reason for turning this space into the wonderful "Vazrazhdane" park. This is what Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova told journalists during the opening of the new "cooled" space in the park.