"Increasing the capacity of Municipalities Dimitrovgrad, Lyubimets and Zlatograd to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the changing climate"

Project title: "Increasing the capacity of Мunicipalities Dimitrovgrad, Lyubimets and Zlatograd to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the changing climate"

Project number: 4.004-0001-C01

Beneficiary: Municipality Dimitrovgrad

Project Partners:

  • Municipality Zlatograd;
  • Municipality Lubimec;
  • Club Economy 2000;
  • Association “Fabric for ecological initiatives”.

Budget: 1 025 612.75 BGN

Start of the implementation: Grant Contract Number D- 30-23/28.04.2023.

Project duration: 12 months



Brief description: 

The specific objective of the project is to increase the capacity of municipalities Dimitrovgrad, Zlatograd and Lyubimets to reduce GHG emissions and adapt to the changing climate. It will be achieved through the implementation of eight activities, whose specific objectives will cumulatively lead to achieving the project objective. The result of their implementation consists in an increased capacity of the three municipalities: a. to evaluate adopted planning documents and effectiveness of implemented measures aimed at mitigation and adaptation to climate change, b. to plan future actions, taking into account: the need for synergy of climate issues in all general and sectoral municipal policies; the latest policies and legislation at national and European level; good practices from Norway and other countries; c. put into practice concrete measures that lead to climate change mitigation; d. increase the capacity of local communities and work in partnership with them forward transition to carbon-neutral and climate-resilient municipalities.

The following activities will be performed: - Project management - Establishment of local public councils on climate - Capacity building through training - Study and dissemination of good practices of a donor country for climate change mitigation and adaptation - Analytical review of current situation - Development of municipal Sustainable Energy, Climate and Adaptation Plans - Implement climate change mitigation measures - Development of Public Awareness Plans for climate change mitigation and adaptation All seven technical activities include measures for climate change mitigation, and six of the seven technical activities (except activity seven) include measures for adaptation to climate change. The project will be implemented on the territory of the three municipalities and will have a total duration of twenty months.