"Introduction of municipal schemes for separate collection and recycling of waste on the territory of Smolyan Municipality and Banite Municipality"

Project name: "Introduction of municipal schemes for separate collection and recycling of waste on the territory of Smolyan Municipality and Banite Municipality"

project number: BGENVIRONMENT-3.002-0004-C01

Beneficiary: Municipality Smolqn 

Project partners:

  • Municipality Banite; 


Start of the implementation: 28.09.2021 

Duration: 24 months 

Brief description:  

The project envisages the development of an analysis of good practices related to the introduction of measures for the separate collection and recycling of waste in the context of the principles of the circular economy. The analysis will be prepared based on the experience of the project partner from Norway and will present trends and mechanisms suitable for introducing the principles of the circular economy in Bulgarian municipalities.

The overall goal is to improve the management of waste at the municipal level and its use as a resource, by implementing schemes for separate collection and recycling of waste, applying the principles of the circular economy and using know-how from Norwegian partners. The specific objectives are related to the introduction of schemes for the separate collection and recycling of construction waste, of waste from end-of-use tires, and a scheme for the utilization of biodegradable waste from households in the municipality of Smolyan.

A scheme for separate collection and recycling of paper, cardboard and glass will be introduced in Banite Municipality; as well as a scheme for separate collection and utilization of biodegradable waste from households.