„Малка грантова схема кръгова икономика“

Project name : "Zero waste school"

Project number: BGENVIRONMENT-3.001-0004-C01

Beneficiary: SEU Sv. Paisii Hilendarski

Project Partners:

  • OU "Hristo Botev";
  • PG "Hristo Botev";
  • "Green industry, innovation and technology transfer" Foundation;
  • International Development Norway.

Budget: 179 654, 021 EUR

Start of the implementation: 04.10.2022 

Duration: 20 months


Brief description:

The main objective of the project is to develop and implement educational programs and campaigns to raise awareness regarding resource management, waste recycling and the circular economy targeting educational institutions and the population in Dupnitsa and Krainitsi. The overall objective of the project directly contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the EEA Financial Mechanism: reduction of economic and social disparities in the EEA and strengthening bilateral relations between Bulgaria and Norway through application of good practice from Norway and to the general objective of the Program "Environmental Protection and Climate Change": improved status of the environment in ecosystems and reduced impact of pollution and other human activities." as well as to the objectives of Result 3: "Improved use of resources at the municipal level (circular economy)”.