"Integration of measures and activities for adaptation to climate changes"

Project name: "Integration of measures and activities for adaptation to climate changes"

Project number: BGENVIRONMENT-4.004-0006-C02

Beneficiary: Municipality Dobrich 

Project Partners: 

  • Krushari Municipality;
  • Dobrichka Municipality;

Budget: 363 219.887 EUR

Start of the implementation: 11.07.2022

Duration: 22 months 


Brief description: 

Increasing the capacity of the municipalities of Dobrich Grad, Dobrichka and Krushari to implement sustainable innovative measures and good practices in the energy sector and adapt their strategic documents leading to mitigating emissions and adapting to climate change.

Specific objectives:

  1. Improving the skills and expertise of municipal officials at the local level in the field of planning measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change;
  2. Implementation of innovative measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, through the supply and installation of "Photovoltaic plants";
  3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of strategic plans at the local level, including development of a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change;
  4. Sharing good practices in the field of adaptation to climate change, through a working visit to Norway.