The Programme operator of the Home Affairs Programme, funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, announces a procedure for the pre-defined project „Development of Expert Forensic Examinations and Activities at the Research Institute of Forensic Sciences at the Ministry of Interior (RIFS) and technical upgrade and expansion of the possibilities of five basic regional forensic laboratories”
Eligible project promoter under the procedure is the Research Institute of Forensic Sciences at the Ministry of Interior in partnership with Forensic Department at the National Criminal Investigation Service (Kripos), Norway.
The funding allocated to this procedure is up to BGN 4 107 180.
The overall objective is improvement of the crime scene investigation, incl. improvement of the crime scene inspection for finding and collecting evidence and improvement of the system for storing of evidence. The project aims at improvement of the forensic infrastructure in Bulgaria which is a requirement for all European countries on the way to the common objectives stated in the strategy “European Forensic Science Area 2020”
The deadline for application is June 14, 2019 until 5.30 PM.
The Application Guidelines and the related documents (in Bulgarian and English) are published in UMIS 2020 at the following address:
The procedure for the pre-defined project “Development of Expert Forensic Examinations and Activities at the Research Institute of Forensic Sciences at the Ministry of Interior (RIFS) and technical upgrade and expansion of the possibilities of five basic regional forensic laboratories” was amended on 28.05.2019.
The amendments are as follows:
Three new indicators were added:
- Percentage of compliance of the forensic laboratory activities on dactyloscopic examination with the national forensic standards set in the Concept for Development of Forensic Science in Bulgaria – baseline value – 33%, target value - 66%.
- Percentage of compliance of the forensic laboratory activities on examination of ICT with the national forensic standards set in the Concept for Development of Forensic Science in Bulgaria – baseline value – 10 %, target value - 60%.
- Percentage of compliance of the forensic laboratory activities on examination of drugs with the national forensic standards set in the Concept for Development of the Forensic Science in Bulgaria – baseline value – 25%, target value - 80%.
Some minor technical corrections were applied in the English version of the draft supporting documents to the application form.
The timetable is amended as follows:
Deadline for submission of project proposals: 14.06.2019
Beginning of the assessment process: 18.06.2019
End of the assessment process:20.08.2019
Signing of the contracts 13.09.2019