The Programme operator of the Home Affairs Programme, funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, announces a procedure for the pre-defined project „Increasing the administrative capacity of the national authorities in the asylum and migration area” The funding allocated to this procedure is up to BGN 2 945 434,80.
Eligible project promoter under the procedure is the State Agency for Refugees at the Council of Ministers (SAR) in cooperation with the National Police Immigration Service Norway (Donor project partner), Migration Directorate at the Ministry of Interior and General Directorate Border Police at the Ministry of Interior
The project will strengthen the administrative capacity of the SAR for the effective fulfilment of its obligations, and shall ensure the sustainability of the acquired knowledge and skills related to reception, accommodation, proceedings for granting international protection, and social and cultural adaptation, including individual assessment of the needs of applicants for international protection.
The project is also aimed at capacity building for General Directorate Border Police of the Ministry of Interior on working with UAMs and in the field of counteracting trafficking in UAMs and respecting their rights.
The project will also contribute to the increasing the knowledge and skills of employees in Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Interior working with third-country nationals seeking international protection on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria through exchange of experience and good practices with the the National Police Immigration Service.
The deadline for application is March 23th, 2020 until 11.59 PM.
The Invitation for project proposals and the related documents (in Bulgarian and English) are published in UMIS 2020 at the following address: https://eumis2020.government.bg/en/s/Procedure/Info/0c87860a-76d6-453f-81d5-fe7866267959