24-06-2021 16:05
On June 18th, 2021, the Programme Operator of the Home Affairs Programme, funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, announced a call for proposals entitled procedure “Improving the national asylum and migration capacities, especially as regards provision of conditions for vulnerable migrants and in particular for unaccompanied minors”.
The total amount of the call for proposals is up to 7 823 200 BGN (4 000 000 EURO). The call will be initially launched with a budget of 5 867 400 BGN (3 000 000 EURO). The remaining amount of 1 955 800 BGN (1 000 000 EURO) will be kept as a reserve for funding projects on reserve list.
The maximum project grant amount applied for a project under this call is 1 955 800 BGN (1 000 000 EURO).
The minimum project grant amount applied for a project under this call is 391 160 BGN (200 000 EURO).
The call for proposals is aimed at increasing the capacity of the national authorities in the asylum and migration area with special focus on the needs of vulnerable groups and in particular unaccompanied minors.
The call for proposals will support the further strengthening of the capacity of competent authorities and stakeholders which is of major importance for the proper functioning of the asylum and migration systems in Bulgaria. The areas supported with the call for proposals also include provision of proper accommodation, social support and access to a number of basic services, including security, social and psychological support, consistent with the needs of vulnerable groups and especially UAMs who seek international protection, and with the standards set in the field and on the basis of the assessment of the best interest of the child.
The deadline for application is August 18th, 2021 until 5.30 PM (EEST).
The Application Guidelines and the related documents (in Bulgarian and English) are published in UMIS 2020 at the following address: EUMIS 2020 (government.bg).