27-04-2021 10:27
On the 26th of April 2021 International Project Directorate within the Ministry of Interior as a Programme Operator under the Home Affairs Progamme, Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 held an information day for the project promoter under the following published pre-defined project - „Development of the cooperation within the Schengen area”.
The project aims to support cooperation within the Schengen area. It will support the development and the future introduction of compensatory measures in the border area of the future internal borders. It will also aim to improve bilateral cooperation in the field of border management and facilitate the introduction of compensatory measures related to border surveillance following the accession of Republic of Bulgaria to the Schengen area.
The objective of the information day was to present to the project promoter the invitation for project proposals, to give more detailed information on the application procedure, as well as to discuss on various issues regarding the elaboration and submission of project proposal.
The information day was held in the online conference platform - Webex.
The invitation for project proposals is published on the website of the International Projects Directorate - www.mvr.bg/dmp, the website of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 - https://www.eeagrants.bg and in the Information System for Management and Monitoring of EU funds in Bulgaria 2020 - https://umis2020.government.bg.