16-05-2022 11:31
On April 12 and 14, 2022, members of the IOM Bulgaria team visited the villages of Lesura and Kravoder (Krivodol Municipality), where there is a significant presence of representatives of the Roma community. The unemployment rate in the region is high and the life of the Roma people is challenging. With the assistance of representatives of the Labor Bureau-Krivodol Directorate and the labor mediator Nikolay Georgiev, IOM organized a meeting with people looking for work in Bulgaria and abroad.
The discussed topics during the info-sessions and individual talks that were held included risks of trafficking and smuggling, labor and sexual exploitation, rights and obligations of migrants in the EU, institutions providing assistance and others.
This activity was implemented within the framework of the project “Raising the awareness of local communities in areas with significant Roma populations on asylum and migration issues” funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism - 2014-2021.