Presentation of the standards for protection from domestic violence in the A.E. v. Bulgaria judgment

06-11-2023 16:34

On 3 November 2023. NII held a webinar on: "Current legislative changes concerning domestic violence in the light of the ECtHR decision in the case A.E. v. Bulgaria". It was aimed at deepening the knowledge of the Bulgarian magistrates regarding the latest case law of the Strasbourg Court on issues of domestic violence and gender-based discrimination found at national level.

The trainer in the training, Judge Maria Doncheva, Deputy Chairperson of the SRC, gave an analytical overview of the factual circumstances and the arguments of the Court in the judgment in the case "A.E. v. Bulgaria" in the context of the current legislative changes concerning domestic violence. It answered the question whether the above-mentioned amendments to the national legislation constituted an appropriate response to the criticisms made by the ECtHR. In her presentation, Judge Doncheva highlighted the positive impact of the case law of the Strasbourg Court on the activities of national law enforcement authorities and the protection of fundamental rights in the area under review.

25 judges, prosecutors, investigators and other representatives of the professional community took part in the training event, which was held under the project "Prevention and Counteraction of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence", implemented with the support of the Justice Programme of the National Fund for Justice 2014-2021.