Training focusing on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in situations of domestic and gender-based violence

06-11-2023 16:37

On 28 November 2023, the State Gazette, no. Sofia, The National Institute of Justice organizes an in-person training on: "People with disabilities, victims of domestic and gender-based violence: access to rights and justice",under the guidance of a multidisciplinary team of Bulgarian and international experts with experience in the field.

The training will present the international standards for access to justice for persons with disabilities, the changes in the procedure for protection from domestic violence, in particular the direct access to court for persons under complete disability and the possibilities for protection of the rights of this vulnerable group of the community. It will provide an opportunity to learn about the specificities of the behaviour of persons with disabilities who are victims of domestic and gender-based violence and aims to contribute to ensuring effective access to justice for these persons, taking into account their particular vulnerability resulting from emotional trauma and disability.

The target groups of the training are judges and prosecutors from district and regional level, investigators, investigating police officers and other representatives of the professional community.

The training event is organized under the project "Prevention and Counteraction of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence", implemented with the support of the Justice Programme of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, contract № BGJUSTICE-4.001-0002/12.02.20.

If you are interested, you can register your participation at by 17.11.2023.

Contact person: Dilyana Petrovska, Senior Expert, TOMOM Directorate, e-mail:, tel. 02-9359007.