Representatives of the NBU discussed with Norwegian partners effective teaching of Human Rights

19-10-2023 11:31

A lecturer and a PhD student from the Department of Law of Sofia University discussed with Norwegian partners the possibilities for training and ways for effective teaching of Human Rights. Assoc.  Zdravka Krasteva and PhD student Petya Ajopova exchanged good practices and participated in discussions and lectures at the University of Oslo - part of a one-week program developed for them by the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights.

They observed and discussed how the lectures of the Master's programme "Theory and Practice of Human Rights" and the course "Human Rights and International and National Law" are delivered. Discussions were held on legal clinics and moot courts as tools to deepen students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills. They got acquainted with the activities of the "CELL: Centre on Experiential Legal Learning and "LINK - Centre for Learning, Innovation & Academic Development" at the University of Oslo.

The training also included a practical task - giving a public lecture on human rights protection, followed by feedback from the observers and discussion of practical tips.

The visit is in the framework of the project "Strengthening the national capacity for effective implementation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights", funded by the Justice Programme of the NFM 2014-2021. It is implemented by the Directorate “Legal Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria before the European Court of Human Rights”, Ministry of Justice, in partnership with the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights at the University of Oslo and New Bulgarian University, Law Department.