Our Ambassador in Oslo met with beneficiaries of a project to combat domestic violence

01-12-2023 17:19

Our Ambassador in Oslo, Norway, Desislava Ivanova met with representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Bulgaria, Pulse Foundation, Doverie Club - Kardzhali and their Norwegian partner - Bulgarian Sunday School "Native Speech" in Oslo. They are beneficiaries of the Norwegian Mechanism and are implementing a project to combat domestic and gender-based violence. This was announced by our diplomatic mission in Oslo on its Facebook page.  

During the visit, as part of the process of exchange of experience and good practices, there were also meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Justice of Norway. The Crisis Centre in Oslo was also visited, the Bulgarian Embassy in Oslo added. 

"Over coffee at the Bulgarian Embassy, the guests briefed the Bulgarian Ambassador on their impressions of the visit and expressed their satisfaction with the existence of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. For his part, the Bulgarian ambassador stressed that this is the next expert visit to Oslo since the autumn, implemented within the framework of the mechanism, and that the latter is appreciated by our country as an excellent tool for the volume of experience, sharing good practices, creating contacts between citizens and deepening and intensifying the bilateral dialogue between Bulgaria and Norway," the diplomatic mission informed. 

The message also points out how Ambassador Ivanova expressed her expectations that the efforts to build on the expert exchange with high-level visits will yield good results in the new year. She stressed that the Embassy's doors are always open to all Bulgarian representatives visiting Norway on official business. She also expressed her satisfaction with the cooperation with the Bulgarian Sunday School in Oslo, as well as her joy that thanks to the joint efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, the Embassy and the school, from the beginning of the new calendar year the educational center will have a double larger area, given free of charge by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the realization of patriotic educational activities.