Prison and prison management staff participate in leadership and human rights training

14-11-2023 14:21

Prison and prison management staff participate in leadership and human rights training.

The event is within the framework of the previously defined project of the Directorate General for Execution of Punishments (GDEP) “Increasing the capacity of prison staff, building a pilot prison linked to a training centre and improving the rehabilitation of prisoners” /APP 2/ under Programme Area 19 of the Justice Programme of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 - 2021 and in implementation of Activity 2.6 “Development of a training programme for management staff in GDEP and prisons".

The leadership of the GDEP gathered in Varna - St. St. Constantine and Helena in the period 30.10.2023 - 01.11.2023.

The training program included topics oriented towards building effective leadership, ethics and values, human rights and international standards, security and risk management.

The training was conducted by Leif Magne Viste - Director of Ona Prison (Norway), Ule Stageberg - International Coordinator and Senior Advisor from the Norwegian Correctional Service University College (KRUS), Leo Emblensvag - Expert from the Norwegian Correctional Service University College (KRUS) and the national expert Prof. Snezhana Ilieva, Head of the Department of Social, Occupational and Pedagogical Psychology at Sofia University "St. ‘St. Kliment Ohridski"