All heads of probation services have undergone training to improve their professional qualifications

21-09-2023 10:46

Another 15 heads of probation services participated in a training organized under the pre-defined project “Strengthening the implementation of alternative measures to imprisonment” (MAP 3) under the Justice Programme, Programme Area 19 “Correctional Services and Pre-trial Detention” of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 - 2021.

The activity is in the implementation of sub-activity 1.5 "Conducting training to enhance the professional competences of the heads of probation services in terms of leadership, team building and supervision" of DA 3.

It was held in the period 17-21 September this year, and the presenters of the training were Geir Jensen - Head of the Agder Probation Service and Willy Gill - Probation Expert from the Norwegian Probation Service

The training was tailored both to the individual characteristics of specific probation service managers and to the main priorities of the DGIS, including:

- acquiring communication and presentation skills;

- building skills for cooperation and inter-institutional dialogue;

- conflict resolution and behaviour building among staff to avoid conflict situations when working with sentenced persons;

- staff motivation and acceptance of the organisation's priorities

- formation of teamwork skills.

In this way, the heads of probation services have acquired so-called soft skills, all heads of probation services have been trained.