Norwegian experts conducted training on the new correctional programme ‘Motivator’

29-02-2024 13:20

Specialized training for trainers for the application of the Norwegian cognitive-behavioral correctional program ‘Motivator’ was held at the Directorate General for the Execution of Punishments (DGEP).

From 26 February to 1 March this year, two experts from the Norwegian Correctional Service, the authors of the programme, delivered an intensive 5-day interactive training in several modules. The training was attended by 6 probation inspectors and psychologists from the probation services, who successfully passed the basic training for the implementation of the programme and its piloting in the field.

The event is part of sub-activity 2.8 ‘Training of probation officers to implement newly developed programmes and their piloting within the project’ of the project ‘Strengthening the implementation of alternative measures to imprisonment’ (PDP 3) under the Justice Programme, Programme Area 19 ‘Correctional services and pre-trial detention’ of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 — 2021.

The Motivator program is designed in a way that can be implemented in individual and group form. Its target groups could be both convicted persons with identified relevant criminogenic needs and all those facing certain life challenges. The main goal of the program is to form cognitive, social and communication skills to achieve personal changes towards a more fulfilling, pro-social and lawful lifestyle.

DGEP has the ambition to make ‘Motivator’ one of the main correctional treatment programmes for convicted persons. For this purpose, it is envisaged that Bulgarian trainers will participate in several seminars to familiarize probation officers and psychologists with its specifics. The first such event, involving 50 employees, starts tomorrow, 6 March this year.