Ministry of Health end National Network of Health Mediators presents project "Healthcare for everyone"

31-07-2023 10:53

On July 27, 2023, "Healthcare for everyone" project was presented at an information event organized by the Ministry of Health in partnership with the Association "National Network of Health Mediators". The main goal of the project is to improve communication, resources and coordination at the local level in the implementation of policies for the health of marginalized communities by optimizing the health mediation system. The goal will be achieved by identifying and analyzing blockages in the work of the system at the local level, as well as problems in communication with local communities and finding working flexible work models that meet the diverse specificities of marginalized groups. In the implementation of the project activities, a two-way approach will be applied: on the one hand, improving the system of health services for vulnerable groups at the local level and the link between health policies at the local and national level, on the other hand - working with vulnerable groups to build an active role in their own health. The activities will be aimed at: providing low-threshold services and raising awareness through community participation; developing and strengthening the capacity of local stakeholders - local government, RHIs, doctors, hospitals, mediators, etc., as executors of the national policy in this area; optimizing the use of health mediation, incl. and in medical facilities for hospital care; a new approach to collecting, processing and using data on the health status of citizens from marginalized communities, including the introduction of digital technologies in the process of direct work with the community to facilitate the accountability of health mediators.

The main target groups of the project are: the vulnerable communities of six pilot municipalities, where there is a high level of marginalization, poverty, social isolation, difficult access to health care and highly limited public dialogue due to various intra-community and institutional factors; health mediators and local health authorities; municipal administrations; Ministry of Health and Regional Health Inspectorates; gynecologists and general practitioners serving marginalized groups. The project corresponds to a number of national policies related to the social inclusion of vulnerable communities and meets the health needs for a comprehensive approach in serving marginalized groups. The planned activities support the realization of the long-term goals in the "Health" sector to strengthen the capacity of public health care, the quality of health care and electronicization of the sector, included in the National Health Strategy, the policies for family planning and health promotion in the National Program for the Improvement of Maternal and children's health 2021-2030 and a number of measures in the National Program for the prevention and control of HIV and sexually transmitted infections. Some of the activities will support the priorities in other cross-sectoral strategic and program documents, including the achievement of equality of access to quality public services, active citizen participation, digital transformation of the administration, etc.

The implementation of  "Healthcare for everyone"  project will address the needs for improving health status and more effective implementation of national health policies among marginalized communities living in conditions of extreme poverty and social exclusion. The project is developing an analysis of the main problems facing the implementation of the national health mediation policy. Its implementation will support the policies of the Ministry of Health to increase access to health care for vulnerable groups, specifically in the area of maternal and child health, including family planning and sexually transmitted infections, especially syphilis and congenital syphilis.