Opening press conference on project "Enhance of a new jobs in Momchilgrad municipality"

04-09-2023 14:15

On August 21, 2023, an opening press conference was held in connection with the implementation of project "Enhance of a new jobs in Momchilgrad municipality". The main goal of the project is to create new jobs in the Momchilgrad municipality, with the aim of testing and promoting innovative approaches to the development of local employment, providing more accessible information about vacancies and encouraging employers to adopt flexible working practices, organizing events that bring together employers and job seekers and create job opportunities for disadvantaged groups. Four new jobs have been created under the project. Training for employers on introducing flexible and innovative approaches to hiring employees, training for employers on new approaches in business management to improve competitiveness and sustainable development, as well as pilot online training for employers on e-commerce basics are planned. The duration of the project is until April 30, 2024.