Opening event of the project "Future in Belitsa"

21-05-2023 16:15

On May 18, 2023, a press conference was held in implementation of project BGLD-1.007-0057 "Future in Belitsa" with project beneficiary - "Bear Belitsa" EOOD and project partner - Belitsa municipality. The overall goal of the project is to promote employment in the municipality of Belitsa, through the implementation of measures provided for in the local development strategy of the municipality, developed within the framework of the project "Growth through activation of local potential (GALOP)". Trainings for the unemployed will be organized to help develop skills that meet the requirements of local employers. Through the implementation of the project, it is expected to create a job opportunity for disadvantaged people. The project activities planned for implementation include a combination of training measures, employment and information events, which will be implemented in partnership between the beneficiary and the municipality of Belitsa, and the cooperation between public and private organizations will contribute to better synergy in their implementation. The total value of the project is BGN 159,089.61 and the final implementation date is April 30, 2024.