An introductory press conference was held under project BGLD-1.007-0048 "Development of employment in Valchi dol municipality through an INNOVATIVE APPROACH" with beneficiary Valchi dol municipality

02-06-2023 14:29

On May 30, 2023, an introductory press conference was held under project BGLD-1.007-0048 "Development of employment in Valchi dol municipality through an INNOVATIVE APPROACH" at the "Center for Innovative Public Services" in the town of Valchi dol. The total value of the project is BGN 391,157.07, and the deadline is April 30, 2024. The municipality of Valchi dol, together with the Association "Forum Civil Society" - partner in the project and in cooperation with the Directorate of the Valchi dol Labor Bureau, will establish a "Center for innovative public services", through which they will create effective conditions for searching, surveying, developing an assessment of the needs of the persons served in the Center, developing an individual plan for the users of the Center, hiring, training and realization of unemployed jobseekers from the 22 settlements of Valchi dol municipality. In project No. BGLD-1.007-0048 "Development of employment in Valchi dol municipality through an INNOVATIVE APPROACH" 21 unemployed people were appointed, of which 18 are domestic helpers. The domestic helpers will serve children with a certain permanently reduced ability to work, as well as adults with permanent disabilities without certain external assistance and perople of over-working age unable to provide for themselves, who have a certain degree of reduced ability to work. At the moment, the Center for Innovative Public Services in the city of Valchi dol serves 36 users from the territory of  the 22 settlements of the municipality of Valchi dol.