"Strategika Vision" will create sustainable employment and stimulate economic activity in Dimitrovgrad

13-06-2023 16:02

On June 8, 2023, an opening event was held under project BGLD-1.007-0042 "An integrated approach to create employment, support economic activity and support an innovative model for interactive exposure of the local cultural-historical heritage and art in the Dimitrovgrad municipality", with beneficiary "Strategika Vision". Partners in the project are Historical Museum - Dimitrovgrad and Municipal Drama Theater "Apostol Karamitev". The main goal of the project is to present innovative approaches aimed at stimulating economic activity and creating jobs in the Municipality of Dimitrovgrad, by using new, creative tools for the promotion, development and popularization of the local cultural and historical heritage.

The project provides support for measures to create sustainable employment and stimulate economic activity at the local level, as well as the implementation of innovative approaches to support employment, through the use of innovative tools for the promotion, development and popularization of the local cultural and historical heritage. Among the activities are the discovery of new jobs, acquisition of equipment, development of a website for promotion and an innovative approach to providing information about new jobs in the field of culture and tourism. In this direction, meetings will be organized between employers looking for work, as well as an exchange of experience with our partners from Norway. Six new jobs will be created and conditions will be created for the interactive display of local cultural heritage.