The construction and repair activities of the MID center in the city of Samokov have started

03-10-2023 17:15
On September 28, 2023, the construction of a center for the provision of integrated services in the community under the project "One approach - many solutions. Model for Integrated Development (MID) in Samokov" was launched. As a result of the activity, the municipality of Samokov will have a fully equipped, functioning center for the provision of integrated services in the community, which is not only a reliable distribution center for directing users to the available mainstream services, but also a training center for skill formation. The center will provide counseling services, social and life skills training, health education, community activation, information campaigns aimed at combating hate speech, discrimination, including online, etc.

The "One approach - many solutions" project. Model for Integrated Development (MID) in the city of Samokov" aims to provide opportunities to support the successful realization and social adaptation of the residents of the Roma quarter in the city. The project is based on a needs analysis that covers 7 areas: access to health care, access to education, access to employment, access to social services, access to rights and opposition to discrimination, improvement of living conditions and preservation of cultural identity. The project is implemented by the municipality of Samokov in partnership with the HEALTH AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Foundation - HESED, the Bulgarian-Norwegian Society and the SEED Foundation, and through it, opportunities will be provided to support the successful implementation and social adaptation of vulnerable groups.