The municipality of Lom already has a new integrated complex for services and a center for working with children and parents

02-10-2023 15:53

The completely renovated and equipped building of the former bath now houses two centers - for education and early childhood care and an integrated service complex. The main renovation and equipment of the building is an activity under the projects "Complex model for early childhood education and care in the municipality of Lom" and "Integrated complex of services for Roma inclusion and empowerment in Lom municipality". There they will carry out activities to support young children and families from vulnerable groups to improve access to health care, form parenting skills, improve the family environment, increase children's school readiness and limit the transmission of poverty between generations. The project involves 350 children from 0 to 6 years old, as well as 200 parents, guardians or caregivers.

The aim of the project "Integrated complex of services for Roma inclusion and empowerment in Lom municipality" is to increase the access of representatives of vulnerable groups to better services for social assistance, education, employment and health care. 19 experts have been appointed for both projects and specialists in the field of social activities, education, healthcare and employment.

The projects "Complex model for early childhood education and care in the municipality of Lom" and "Integrated complex of services for Roma inclusion and empowerment in Lom municipality" are implemented by the Municipality of Lom in partnership with the Foundation "Roma - Lom" and the SAVE A Foundation CHILD from Trondheim, Norway.